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CareerSense Exploration Workshop

Delivery Partner:
Royal Bank of Scotland

Curriculum Links:
Health & Wellbeing, RMPS, Social Studies, Skills & Interdisciplinary Learning
Suitable Audience:
S3, S4, S5, S6
Start/End Dates:
September 2023 - June 2024
Timetable Availability:
On Demand Monday to Friday
Number of Sessions:
Session Duration:
60 minutes
Repetition Frequency:
As often as required.
Max Capacity:
30 pupils per session


The Exploration Workshop is a free, 1-hour interactive session, designed to help your students feel more secure about their futures and build confidence in their skills.

Fitting in with the Career Education Standard and helping teachers to reach Health & Wellbeing benchmarks in Scotland for S3 and above, the Exploration Workshop is all about bringing jobs to life and helping students explore five vital transferrable skills they’ll need for future success.

It’s a teacher-led activity, where a Royal Bank of Scotland Ambassador will help students to:

      • Complete a set of industry-related tasks
      • Bring different jobs to life through interactive challenges
      • Share their own experiences of working life
      • Understand the capabilities businesses need in the future
      • Pledge to research a skill or job to start exploring the pathways ahead of them

Each activity’s based on real-life case studies, focusing on a different area of the bank and showcasing the variety of jobs on offer at Royal Bank of Scotland.

DYW Context:
Health and Wellbeing: HWB 3-19a –

      • I am developing the skills and attributes which I will need for learning, life and work. I am gaining understanding of the relevance of my current learning to future opportunities. This is helping me to make informed choices about my life and learning.

HWB 4-19a –

      • Based on my interests, skills, strengths and preferences, I am supported to make suitable, realistic and informed choices, set manageable goals and plan for my further transitions.

HWB 3-20a / HWB 4-20a –

      • I am investigating different careers/occupations, ways of working, and learning and training paths. I am gaining experience that helps me recognise the relevance of my learning, skills and interests to my future life.

Career Education Standard:

By the end of Broad General Education (BGE): (S3)

      • I can demonstrate and apply the skills I have learnt across the curriculum in relation to the world of work.
      • I can access advice and support to help me make informed choices about further learning and opportunities.
      • I can demonstrate diverse thinking when exploring learning opportunities and pathways.

Senior phase: (S4-S6)

    • I can confidently access and interpret the information I need to make well informed choices about my learning options, pathways and how these relate to possible future careers.
    • I can identify the skills I have learnt across the curriculum, how these relate to the world of work and can apply these appropriately during work placements and other work-related learning.

a craft table with various pens and pencils



How DYW Live Works?:

Further questions?

Check out our FAQ on the DYW page here.

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