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Game Design

Delivery Partner:
Skills Development Scotland

Curriculum Links:
Expressive Arts, Technologies
Suitable Audience:
P5, P6, P7, S1, S2, S3
Start/End Dates:
September 2023 to June 2024
Timetable Availability:
On Demand Tuesday to Friday
Number of Sessions:
Session Duration:
60 minutes
Repetition Frequency:
As often as required.
Max Capacity:
One class at a time, 30 pupils max.


This course introduces young people to the skills required to be a game designer.

It is aligned to CfE Outcomes and aims to:

  • align interests to skills and careers
  • make a connection between skills and work
  • make a connection between subject choices and work
  • demonstrate how skills, interests and strengths relate to work
  • recognise interesting pathways

DYW Context:
The course will introduce various skills required to be a game designer, as well as give an overview of the job opportunities within the gaming industry in Scotland.

Additional Requirements:
The session is delivered virtually over Microsoft Teams. Each pupil will need access to a device connected to the internet. We will send a complete teacher's guide over upon booking confirmation.

a craft table with various pens and pencils


This course is now fully subscribed for 2024.

How DYW Live Works?:

Further questions?

Check out our FAQ on the DYW page here.

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