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Race To Net Zero Programme

Delivery Partner:
The Verdancy Group

Curriculum Links:
Skills & Interdisciplinary Learning
Suitable Audience:
Teacher CLPL - Primary and Secondary
Start/End Dates:
October 2023 to June 2024
Timetable Availability:
Dates TBC
Number of Sessions:
One CLPL session repeated
Session Duration:
30 Minutes
Repetition Frequency:
Max Capacity:
20 teachers per session


The Race to Net Zero suite can be used as a blended or full eLearning programme to empower learners to take positive action inside and outside of school. Available as ten modules, the suite can be used to deliver distinct subjects or as part of a whole programme, building on knowledge throughout.

The chapters are packed with resources and extra learning and are available with suggested lesson plans mapping experiences and outcomes from Curriculum for Excellence and Learning for Sustainability.

We will provide practitioners with CPD sessions, exploring each topic, the links a wide range of curriculum areas, and considering challenges and opportunities in embedding Net Zero learning throughout education, as well as next steps in feedback that will be invaluable in the development and evolution of this programme.

After Christmas we're hoping to be able to offer live sessions to learners in addition to our CLPL sessions, so please register if this is of interest as details will be posted in the team as soon as they are available.

DYW Context:
The Race to Net Zero learning package will use a wide range of Net Zero topics as a vehicle for young people to consider jobs that relate to Net Zero, either directly or indirectly, with the outcome of young people building an awareness that every job is a green job.

a craft table with various pens and pencils



How DYW Live Works?:

Further questions?

Check out our FAQ on the DYW page here.

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