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Welcome to the Gaelic programme page.

You will find details of all the programmes and resources on this page.


Leugh is Seinn le Linda

Thig còmhla ri preasantair telebhisean chloinne Linda NicLeòid airson Leugh is Seinn le Linda – seiseanan-leughaidh Gàidhlig loma-làn sgeulachdan 's rannan. Join children’s TV presenter Linda Macleod for Read and Sing with Linda – a Gaelic reading session full of stories and rhymes. NEW SESSIONS FOR 2024

More information

Dugs Discovery Den

Discover With Dug – an interactive approach for our youngest learners


Gaelic (Learners) for Primary Pupils

e-Sgoil are pleased to confirm that our Gaelic (Learners) provision for primary pupils will continue in session 2023 - 2024. The (up to) 20-week course covers introductions, feelings, numbers, days of the week, weather, colours, family, pets and animals, the body, clothes, hobbies and activities, food and drink, time, rooms around the home, jobs, school subjects and community. It is suitable for complete beginners of the language and also for pupils with a basic grounding in the language.



e-Sgoil's Gaelic Medium Primary staff are currently delivering a specialist programme into Primary Schools across Scotland. The provision is called Misneachd (Confidence). To determine who is eligible to take part, teachers across Scotland identify pupils who they feel would benefit from a more intense period of small group interaction with a specialist teacher. Our staff are happy to help with any curricular areas. Teachers work closely with the child's class teacher to identify what specific need the child has. e-Sgoil staff then develop and deliver content suitable to target these needs.


N5, H & AH Gaelic/Gaidhlig Courses 2023/24

The National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses are designed to help develop skills and knowledge rapidly, getting even those learners with no Gaelic at the start of the course to a level of confidence and fluency quickly. Self-study and independent learning are important elements of the course but there is a wealth of support and resources at your fingertips.


N5/H/AH Gaelic (Learners) Evening Courses (Adults)

Are you aged 18 and over and interested in learning Gaelic or taking your current learning to the next level? From August 2024, e-Sgoil will have a range of Gaelic (Learners) courses at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher with study options in the evenings or a blend of daytime and evening. We are also scoping the possibility of a 2 year-Higher to give students a less intensive experience or to help them manage their studies alongside their other commitments. For more information, including class times, course fees and the sign-up link, please click below to access the course brochure.


e-Sgoil Gaelic / Gàidhlig SQA results 2022-23

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