Misneachd: A’ toirt taic do bhogadh agus a’ leasachadh fileantachd
Tron bhliadhna seo, tha luchd obrach e-Sgoil air a bhith a' libhrigeadh prògram sònraichte a-steach gu bun-sgoiltean air feadh Alba. 'S e Misneachd ainm a' phròiseact. Tha tidsearan anns na sgoiltean ag innse dhuinn co na sgoilearan a tha feumach air taic sònraichte ann am buidheannan. Tha an luchd obrach againn deònach coimhead air feumalachdan sam bith a tha tidsearan airson gun obrach sinn air leis na sgoilearan aca. Obraichidh luchd obrach e-Sgoil agus tidsearan nan sgoilearan dlùth gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil feumalachdan gach sgoilear soilleir agus an uairsin gheibhear prògram sònraichte do gach sgoilear. Tha na seiseanan uile air Teams agus mairidh gach seisean 30 mionaid.
Gheibh sibh fiosrachadh eile an seo
Tha clàradh a-nis dùinte ach tha liosta againn airson sgoiltean aig a bheil ùidh. Cliog an seo
Misneachd: Supporting Immersion and Developing Fluency
e-Sgoil's Gaelic Medium Primary staff are currently delivering a specialist programme into Primary Schools across Scotland. The provision is called Misneachd (Confidence). To determine who is eligible to take part, teachers across Scotland identify pupils who they feel would benefit from a more intense period of small group interaction with a specialist teacher. Our staff are happy to help with any curricular areas. Teachers work closely with the child's class teacher to identify what specific need the child has. e-Sgoil staff then develop and deliver content suitable to target these needs. Sessions are 30 minutes long, delivered through Teams and are specific to the needs of the children in each group.
More information about the success of Misneachd can be found here
Misneachd is full for session 2024 - 2025 but complete this form to join the waiting list. Click here to register